I would be looking at eclipses, in 2022, if there are any ideas about a fake recall, as they are always a cover up. When you say "nothing will be safe", you are right. Switzerland has leveled out some of the karma of 1938, which is amazing to see: that neutrality that helped the Nazis so much in 1938, 1939 will no longer work in 2022, 2023, now that the same cycles are back. You are a Cancer person with Sun and Aquarius stellium. I'm worried about the nuclear threat and things spiraling. Baba Vanga died in the year 1996 at the age of 85 but some of her predictions about the world continue to come true, baffling people every now and then. Yes, it will be like Afghanistan in some respects. Use the Tarot for your own reading on your own Facebook action as it is your personal situation so please use the Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle to validate this for yourself as it is obviously your call. (Video) When will the Ukraine -Russia war end ? While experts differ on whether a new offensive is imminent, one year on the picture is very different to what was predicted. Craig Hamilton-Parkers words about Ukrainians fighting like demons were spot on. It is financially disastrous and that does not change. Military experts said securing enough explosive accelerant to fill the artillery shells could also present a potential bottleneck for ambitious production plans. America's fight against Russia has been economical and will continue to be so. When we look at a serious world war, we see transits in Cancer, the sign of nationalism, and we don't have them in the twenties. Romania in 1938 was under Carol II and the royal autocracy. compliments. of the future of people's power. All possible scenarios must be taken into account, including a false departure from and return from Russia. People help with their own money. I am sorry that you have felt the difficulties of COVID-19 with your consulting business and also the long separation from your family. At the point that Russia does or does pull back, which it will, it is very important that the map of Europe be quickly redrawed to counter any eventual comeback. The True South Node is at 11 Scorpio, in exact opposition to the difficult, heavy and fated Saturn of Russia. There have been contradictory assessments of Russias ability to conduct a significant new offensive. Probable triggers for war (based on Ukraine's chart) At the end of 2021, Parker predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth II next year, and that U.S. President Joe Biden will leave office for health reasons while Vice President Harris will be acting-president for a short period of time. Thanks Thierry. The U.S. secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said last week that he saw no signs that the Russian government was engaging in good-faith efforts to end the war, a day after France's counterpart . Is this our generational dark night of the soul? Thanks for this article. You can check out previous articles on Uranus in Taurus from 2017. Look through the map. We now know that the President of Ukraine was the actor who did the voice of Paddington Bear. At the end of the article The Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio on January 19, 2022, you showed the Emperor tarot card in the paragraph Let the tarot speak and asked What do you think? This natal chart of Russia established in 8December 1999 at 17:06 GMT shows the day of the biggest stock market crash in Russian history. Using Switzerland as an example, Sweden must now amend what it did in 1938, basically choosing to remain neutral in World War II but allowing Nazi Germany transit rights. Hi Jessica - Interesting read. Ukraine needs our prayers and tangible support. Unlike more advanced weapons, artillery ammunition requires no sophisticated electronics that are subject to Western sanctions. When Pluto enters 2 Aquarius in February 2025, it looks like the impact of Vladimir Putin will result in new agreements between nations. This is a difficult time for that, and of course, it is partly caused by COVID-19. Ukraine has captured 548 Russian tanks, including T-64, T72 and T-80s. I look forward to seeing what the world will be like when the Russian laundry is complete. All of this would possibly drive the ruble down permanently, but would have a huge impact on the cryptocurrency. You will probably wake up to this news in Australia. Without this channel, you could end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought renewed attention to the challenges of a large-scale, conventional nation-on-nation conflict. 2023. Thank you. Whenever you see many historical cycles at the same time, such as Pluto ending in Capricorn, as well as Uranus ending in Taurus, you know that the planet will never be the same again.I posted this on February 4th.days before Putin invaded Ukraine. So usually the marriage and the mortgage. In the short term, Norway's problem with Ukraine-Russia is purely financial. About Romania, what can you say in the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Is there anything astrologically at this time that indicates a dangerous world situation? Jessica,First, I want to thank you for sharing your talent with the world. This one is dated, about the crisis with Facebook and Vladimir Putin now, March 2022. Oh Jessica, thanks for that information, you are really talented! 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through it.The end of Trump has been clear for years. Communism promised human flourishing by forcing equality and uniformity on people. In terms of military aid, the European response is quite strong and decisive. I don't remember when I first posted a prediction about this, but it may have been 2018. The war in Ukraine may be the excuse for the fall of Putin. This is a story about Russia and Ukraine. That's why I wanted to ask about the current government. The way in which this karmic debt is paid is likely to undergo major changes in the EU and euro economy. Take care of yourself during this time of great upheaval and change. Nostradamus made chilling prediction of WW3 in 2023 after 'correctly foreseeing' Ukraine conflict this year. Lots and lots of hard work for everyone involved. Dan De Luceis a reporter for the NBC News Investigative Unit. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis took over what is now the Czech Republic and received no help. Why? Entering 2022, the worlds major stock markets were hit hard in January and February due to a series of unfavorable news such as the Feds interest rate hike and the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Without any decent resistance, Soviet tanks took to the streets of Prague and crushed the Czechoslovakian dream of embracing freedom. The views expressed in this article are the writer's own. Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, surrounding the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. But in astrology we have to honor the past and the cycle of the lunar nodes. I could call this year and the next a necessary detox. A cycle is ending. We are stronger together. Moreover, Russian losses have been huge. Industry executives, however, say it will take time to ramp up production to a wartime tempo for conventional weapons that were seen until recently as largely irrelevant for future wars. The 250,000-strong force invaded from the north, east, and south, and took full possession of Czechoslovakia with little effort. What is clear is that the current Russian efforts show the poor leadership, logistics and tactics that have been the hallmark of its operations over the past year, with high casualties for very modest territorial gain. Who would have thought. China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. We do not have reliable data on Vladimir Putin. I was constantly checking your website for your update on Russia and Ukraine. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. You also have links in Brazil. Because these Moscow McMansions date back to the last time Pluto was in Capricorn, when the Prince Regent took over from King George III. Brave Ukrainian soldiers (men and women) have paid an incredibly heavy price defending Ukraine and the dignity of all human beings. Hi JessicaI was so looking forward to this as I helplessly watch the terrible situation in Ukraine unfold and feel so terrified and sad for these people who are just trying to live their lives. What Craig Hamilton-Parker said was quite accurate, but the timing was slightly off as the whole of Europe was actually moving faster than he had predicted. Hi Jessica, excellent article. Uranus entered Taurus in May 2018 and the day it happened, HSBC (never forget, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank) endorsed blockchain. Share page. The real name of Baba Venga is Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova. This is exciting. This prediction about Swiss banks and the coming shock (it turned out to be a worldwide leak from their terrible customer base) was published on January 1st.2022. "posted the post on Twitter. What we have is an economic revolution. All this you predicted long before and rest assured, the stars are doing their job. you can make it come true. The long goodbye It can happen, but eclipses can fool us. We live in a world where the top 1% (Pluto in Capricorn) have forced everyone else to accept what they consider valuable. Cait, you're obviously a natural psychic and a very good one. No. What a blessing to have found you.I have a number of concerns about Ukraine and specifically about the nuclear threat that Putin issued yesterday.Do you see something like this happen?What do you think will happen to the US stock market because I have most of my retirement funds there?NATO countries are going to fight this monster because I plan to move to Europe soon Should I check my plans? Here is a better future for humanity. A long, long time ago, I posted a prediction about a new world order that would involve New Zealand as a non-NATO ally. I think it's worth looking into seriously in the next few years. This is not World War III. The North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio, the signs of the economy, mirror each other in 2022 and 2023. I would be interested to know his thoughts on Putin's psychology.I would also like to know your opinion on my letter date of birth 9/19/1968 London 9:30 am.Reflections on creativity, writing career. But he is a man out of time. What's ahead for America in 2024, 2026?America is really divided. What comes out of this for the UK will be very different, very radical and it will happen suddenly. The latest news was:Japan sanctions to help impose massive costs on Russia, US says. It is not a circle. The end of Trump has been clear for years. Pluto can come in all sorts of ways. President Putin has long held staunch views about Russia and Ukraine being one. In fact, it's accepting refugees, as you saw on the news. Friday marked a grim milestone: one year since Russia invaded Ukraine.. During this time, the U.S. pledged about $113 billion in assistance to Kyiv, more than half in the form of military aid . Lots of money that never move. At this stage it doesnt seem that Russia has employed reserves, and is likely using those units to replace casualties, or perhaps waiting for a breakthrough to exploit. Because? (But it doesn't last, obviously.) Her karma returns from those years in which she was left alone (much in 1940) to resist Nazi Germany. 3. It's not just the end of him and Trump in 2023, it's also the end of plutocrats and fat people. We have just returned to the United States and I am very disappointed in the ignorance of some people about what is happening in the world. In these, many accurate predictions like locust attacks on different countries of the world, lack of drinking water, devastating earthquake tsunami have proved to be true. Anand believes this volatility will send global stock markets plummeting, but he says the economy will slowly rebound after May-June 2022. If your eyes and body feel tired, egg soup with goji berries and logan fruit You must have heard of animal rescuers who save abandoned creatures. It will be owned by my sister who was born on March 31, 1992 (then Aries). The biggest change in the markets will be the price/cost of gasoline and gas. Every peace finds its place. I wonder if you have any advice for me? Mercury at Scorpio 26 in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is struck by an eclipse at Scorpio 25 (full moon) on Monday, May 16, 2022. You draw your own conclusions. born in germany, city: Dormagen, 3:58 am, date: 06.30.1964. Gas prices are actually going up because of this conflict, so who knows? OBrien and others say there is little evidence Russia is any more capable of conducting complex combined arms operations, integrating air power, armour and other elements, than it was a year ago. How do you protect yourself? However, it will also be a very important point in history. You mentioned Putin, but what about Zelensky? The Russian-Czech history is complicated, and there is also karma to be worked out there, which we will see. He predicts that March-April could be the worst months for global financial markets since the 2008 global financial crisis. Watch as NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN are renewed as of March 2023, with these two countries in particular finding a new way to be in or out of them. You are a Libra Sun in factors 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finances natally. She had also predicted the Chernobyl disaster and the death of Princess Diana. Americas top general, Mark Milley, recently said Russia had already lost tactically and strategically but suggested it was unlikely either side was close to achieving its stated objectives. Soap (all that hand washing thing) and hand gel. Please don't worry about Sweden. For Norway, it will be a leadership revolution. She was born in Bulgaria in 1911. French astrologist . I just commented on the 1938 karma repeating itself in 2022 as for the first time in our lives, we see the lunar nodes enter economic/business signs, Taurus and Scorpio (which can only happen every 18 years) and Uranus enter to Taurus, which governs the euro and the European trade bloc: the EU. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. And so the economy will be transformed. Not just once. In the meantime, we pray for a speedy end to the Russia-Ukraine war with the least amount of human casualties. Let's use our collective resources, and collective influence, to be ambassadors for justice in Ukraine and let's mirror Ukrainian courage in the fight against injustice all over the world. Can you share again? I think he also wanted to invade while it was easier to drive tanks across frozen wastelands into the Ukraine before the thaw happened in the spring. It changed the game. Mark Zuckerberg should have taken down Facebook Live after the Christchurch Massacre. 200+ Popular Songs for Instagram Reels [Update 2022]! The brutality of Russia's bombardment of Ukraine, even at this relatively early stage in the war, "has strong 1999-2000 Grozny vibes," Michael Kofman, an expert on the Russian military at . It is usually spiritual, but manifests as finances in 2022 and 2023. in the coming years? I was/very afraid there was going to be a nuclear war and I don't think you saw it coming. For example, you may have tied yourself to Russia for years, assuming it would last forever, and now it doesn't. Transiting Uranus at 11 Taurus was in a conjunction with natal Saturn at 11 Taurus. He is using mercenaries and the so-called local "militia". I couldn't make out the mountains in the background and I thought of Afghanistan. Check out the previous Uranus in Taurus predictions, as this is the transit that affects your chart the most. Do you believe that? So many new beginnings in our lives with new jobs for both of us and a move to Hawaii. Once again, the karma of 1938 and 1939 now returns to Britain (it's the same astrological cycle). It could be temporary. Thanks for all your wisdom. Thanks for writing the article, Jessica! It started at Christmas 2020, continues and strengthens from 2023. Based on your prediction, I think I will sell before March 6th too! Portugal has three birth charts, the most recent dating from April 25, 1974 at 5:15 pm CET in Lisbon. Very useful input, as alwaysWhat do you think of Bulgaria in light of these events around us? There is probably a little truth in all these views. . This obviously includes redrawing the map of Ukraine as a divided country surrounded by water, but also its neighboring nations. In addition, legacies and wills. Gain valuable perspective on the astrology of Russia, Ukraine and Middle East military history with this original 2022 article written by Astrologer/Alchemist Salvador Russo. Hi Jessica,i plan to move to russia in july but the whole situation is difficult..but i think it will be good for future investment in russia..my date of birth 09.08.1977. Hello and thank you very much for the astrological vision of today's situation! He can just do it. It hasn't even started; the two really central issues are blockchain and the Magnitsky Amendment to the UK Money Laundering Act. It already started. If you buy an apartment with your sister, she is in the same cycle as an Aries person. I think Belarus will be the ultimate player in this because of that chart. You exactly predicted the Emperor. Bakhmut, the longest-running battle of Russia's invasion, has truly turned into a big political and symbolic prize in the Ukraine war. Thanks again Jessica. Poland, I hope, will receive refugees from Ukraine. He too is proving to be a king among men, and no one will ever take that away from him. Please consider your part and support the people and organizations doing great work in Ukraine. This looks like total chaos with Russia's computer network and perhaps other Mercury ruled areas such as Russian media and transportation. I greet you very cordially and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing, for your help . . Fuel will certainly be an issue until 2023. I would also like to know about Zelenksi? Ukraine's frontline: trench warfare, drones and defending a ghost town video. I am afraid this means that the years 2022 and 2023 will also test us all financially. Wow! The war in Ukraine has turned into a lethal artillery duel and whichever side can produce the most ammunition for the big guns on the battlefield couldhave the edge in theconflict, U.S. officials and military analysts say. You will deal with business matters, a house or apartment (for example), your income, investments, etc. Ukrainians are showing us what is possible when there's unity against evil and injustice. Go back to the card and see what else you get. Shocks for the euro? It is very difficult to write about Uranus in Taurus astrology without sounding like Karl Marx, but we have to be true to horoscope trends. We are doing everything we can to help the people of Ukraine, not even the government, but many people provide shelter, money, food and other resources. But particularly those Regency mansions. This prediction came true earlier in March this year with NSW and Queensland experiencing the worst floods and rainfall in hundreds of years. This generation of Russian millennials was born with the outer planets in Aquarius, the sign of popular power. Yes - Russia may invade. You can see all those rich oligarchs on yachts in this horoscope. It remains unclear exactly how many artillery rounds and other ammunition Russia has left in its stockpiles, and how quickly its defense industry can churn out new ammunition. You do well to separate the personal from the global. Damaged residential buildings are seen in Lysychansk, Luhansk region, Ukraine, early on Sunday, after Russia claimed victory. far from there In any case, this is a long goodbye. Astrology never shows death. However, the U.S. government did not block retired military personnel from joining the Ukrainian resistance as volunteers. Dirty Russian money hidden in London's mega-mansions. But it will be difficult to produce ammunition at levels sufficient to keep up with how much is being used on the battlefield, he said. Vladimir Putin will find his downfall in Russia, correct. Share. Buying a gasoline (non-electric) car is an interesting experience in 2022, 2023. I couldn't help but think of my own placements of 23 to 27 degrees (the main ones! My mom just corrected me saying that I was born at 7:25 am. In astrology, these events leave very long traces and the Czechs are due on some level. So that's really the answer. Sharlene, Saturn in Taurus in the Second House is a lifelong pattern of limitations, lessons, and learning curves with money, investments, possessions, and property. In fact, it would delight, stun, and amaze you. In 2022, Russia launched its "Special Military Operation" under the pretense of liberationa "liberation" that has claimed thousands of innocent Ukrainian lives, has led to nearly 200,000 dead or injured Russian soldiers and has forced millions of Ukrainians to flee their homes. But the pain will be worth it since we will come out of it a better and kinder world. I highly recommend using The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle if you want to time your movements. All contributions will be greatly appreciated.Thierry. Finally, in 2022, we will see the beginning of the end of theglobal money laundering. We have received very disturbing reports from the BBC and Sky that Putin has placed Russia on high alert for a nuclear deterrent. It should show up in Search. As we approach the one year anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainians are bracing for another 300,000 to 500,000 Russian soldiers who are preparing for an impending attack. They are full of potential; You will earn or save a fortune in May and again in October-December 2022. I think Vladimir Putin will turn around and back down from the reality of one or more solid groups; NATO, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the EU. "Russia will become the centre of the world after the conflict," he said on social media recently. It is happening to you right now and since you are strongly Aquarian, you are feeling it. Russia-Ukraine war The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. She had a high success rate as much as 85 per cent according to various reports. It is perfectly possible that a new network of nations will also emerge. What we have here is the end of Pluto (absolute power) in Capricorn (the elite men at the top) for another 240 years. Hi Jessica,I am so excited to have found your site with all this information not only in articles but also in comments. I decided to take from your post that this is a massive world political shift for the better. Western officials say the package along with European aid should cover Ukraines needs through the next six to nine months. Many Ways to Win. The entire company would have mutinied by now. Only when you have the time and space, and take screenshots. There is exact karma with Poland in 2022, going back to 1939. And, as you can see below, why Putin was spelled asbootDo you remember the famous Nostradamus prediction from 1999? Why is that please? Could you please answer in general for everyone's benefit, how this Uranus and north node in Taurus will affect Scorpio moon signs and Scorpio stellium people? Casualties have also been enormous, with claims last week that Russia was losing 2,000 soldiers for every 100 metres gained in the east. When will it end? So Canada is back there, and whatever happens to Germany, Poland, etc., it will help eradicate a lot of old spiritual debt, probably through savings and trade. Many of these predictions have provento be true. Dear Jessica, thank you very much for your quick astrological reaction. Even if this year and next seem difficult to handle, try to keep your vision. I am from Estonia and we are neighbors of Russia. Born in Germany, city: who will win russia or ukraine astrology, 3:58 am, date 06.30.1964..., as this is the transit that affects your chart the most recent from... On yachts in this article are the writer 's own ghost town.! Going back to the Russia-Ukraine war with the world was: Japan sanctions to help impose massive costs Russia... Has n't even started ; the two really central issues are blockchain and the Czechs are due on some...., thanks for that information, you could end up feeling frustrated and unhappy Norway. 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